Anton's membership certificate into the Kennedy Society, signed by his cousin,
the Marquess of Ailsa, Earl of Cassillis.
Sons of Ailill Aulomm (Oilliol Olum), ancient king of Munster, included: Éogan Mór, a quo (from whom descend the) Éoganachta (of Munster); Cian, a quo Ciannachta of Eile (in Tipperary), Breagh (in Meath) and Glinne Gemhin (in Derry); Cormac Cas, a quo Dál gCais in Déis Tuascirt (in Clare). Tigernach, a quo Cenel Cerdraige.
Dál gCais
Dál gCais, branching out of the Race of Cas, son of Oilill Olum.
Dál gCais - the small kingdom originally ruled by the ancestors Brian Borúmha. It included about half of the present County Clare. Brian's name comes from Boramha (Ború), the name of the village where he was born. Ceann Coradh, now Kincora, was the stronghold of Brian, near the mouth of the Shannon river. The sons of Cas, 7th in descent from Ailell Aulum (or Oilill Olum), included Caisin (Ui Caisin, e.g. MacNamara), Aonghus Ceannathrach (Cenel Cuallachta), and Blat or Blod (Ui Blait or Ui Bloid, e.g. O'Brien, O'Kennedy).
Dalcassian Septs included Ua Briain (O'Brien), Mac Domhnaill (MacDonnell), Ua Gradaigh (O'Grady), Ua hAnrachain (O'Hanrahan), Ua h-Elidhe (O'Healy), Ua Cinneide (O'Kennedy), Mac Con Mara (MacNamara), Ua Cuinn (O'Quinn), Ua hEachtighearna (O'Aherne), and O'Muldoon (Malone) of Ogonelloe in east Co. Clare, among others.
An early genealogy of the Dál gCais - lineage of Brian Borumha, King of Ireland. Muirchertach m. Tairdelbaich m. Taidgcc m. Briain (ríg h-Érenn) m. Ceinnétich m. Lorccáin m. Lachtnai m. Cuircc m. Anluain m. Mathgamna m. Tairdelbaich m. Caidléine m. Áeda m. Conaill m. Echach Balldeirg m. Cáirthind m. Blait (a quo Úi Blait) m. Tháil qui fuit Cass m. Conaill Echluaith m. Luigdech Mind m. Óengusa Tírich m. Fir Choirb m. Moga Coirb m. Cormaic Caiss m. Ailella Auluimb m. Éogain Toídlich (aka Moga Nuadat) m. Moga Néit
(Dalcassion) the race of Cas, the sixth in descent from Cormac Cas, son of Oilioll Olum, King of Munster in the 3rd century. Through this line they are connected to Cashel and the other great families of the province of Munster. This great clan of Thomond (North Munster), holds several distinguished families including the chief family of the name, the O'Briens. The clan of the noted high king, Brian Boru. For more information relating to the Dalcassian Sept of which the Cinneide/Kennedy Clan can claim association.visit the Dalcassian Sept
Clann Chuileainn - the race of Cuilean, another branch of the Dal gCais. One of several clan names which apply to the MacNamaras and their co-relatives in Thomand.
Ui Caisin - descendants of Caisin, son of Cas, the name of a branch of the Dal gCais of which MacNamara was chief.
Cineal Cuallachta - the race of Cuallachta or Collachtach; a branch of the Dal gCais or Dalcassions. These families are descended from Aonghus Ceannathrach, son of Cas, and centered in the barony of Inchiquin, Co. Clare. O'gRiobta was the chief family of this tribe.
Muintear Ifearnain - The family of Ifearnan, a branch of the Dal gCais. This was the clan name of the O'Quinns of Thomand who descend from Ifearnan, son of Corc, the 15th in descent from Cormac Cas, the ancestor of the Dal gCas or Dalcassions.
Ui Bloid - descendants of Blod, son of Cas, a branch of the Dal gCais. This clan includes the O'Kennedy, O'Shanahan, O'Durack and O'Ahern families of eastern Co. Clare. The name is still preserved in the place name of the deanery of Omulled.
Ui Cearnaigh - descendants of Cearnach, the branch of the Dal gCais of which the Ahernes were chiefs.
Ui Ronghaile - descendants of Ronghal, a branch of the Dal gCais of which the O'Shanahans were chiefs.
Ui Toirdealbhaigh - descendants of Toirdealbach (Father of St. Flannan), King of Thomand. The clan name of the O'Briens and their co-relatives in the east of Co. Clare.
Ui Cormaic - descendants of Cormac, the clan name of the O'Hehirs in Thomond.
Corca Bhaiscinn - the race of Cairbre Baschaoin, centered in the south-west of Co. Clare. [Not Dalcassian].
The Chief Irish Families of Munster
The following is a brief summary of the Irish families in Munster, beginning with the three branches of the race of Heber: namely, the Dalcassians, the Eugenians, and the Clan Cian.
I. The Dalcassians: According to Connellan, the chief families of this sept were - Lysacht, MacArthur, MacBruodin, MacClancy, MacConry, MacCurtin, MacDonnell, MacEniry, MacGrath, MacMahon, MacNamara, O'Ahern, O'Brien, O'Brody, O'Casey, O'Cashin, O'Considine, O'Davoran, O'Dea, O'Duhig, O'Grady, O'Hanraghan, O'Hartigan, O'Hea, O'Healy (modernized Haley and Hayley), O'Heap, O'Heffernan, O'Hehir, O'Hickey, O'Hogan, O'Hurly (modernized Harley), O'Kearney, O'Kennedy, O'Liddy, O'Lonergan, O'Meara, O'Molony, O'Noonan (or O'Nunan), O'Quinn, O'Shanahan (or O'Shannon), O'Sheehan O'Slattery, O'Spillane, O'Twomey, etc.
The following were also of the Dalcassian race: the families of MacCoghlan, chiefs in the King's County; O'Finnelan (or O'Fenelon), and O'Skully, chiefs in Teffia, or Westmeath.
II. The Eugenians: Of these the chief families were - MacAuliffe, MacCarthy, MacDonagh, MacElligot, MacFinneen, MacGillicuddy, O'Callaghan, O'Cullen, O'Donohoe, O'Finnegan, O'Flannery, O'Fogarty, O'Keeffe, O'Kerwick (anglicised "Berwick" and Kirby"), O'Lechan (or Lyons), O'Mahony, O'Meehan, O'Moriarty, O'Sullivan. O'Treacy, etc.
III. The Clan Cian were, as already stated, located in Ormond or the present county of Tipperary; and the heads of the Clan were O'Carroll, princes of Ely. The other families were - MacKeogh (or Kehoe), O'Corcoran, O'Dulounty (anglicised O'Delahunty), O'Meagher. O'Connor, chiefs of Cianaght (now Keenaght) in the county Londonderry; and O'Gara and O'Hara, lords of Lieny and Coolavin in the county Sligo, were also branches of the Clan Cian of Munster.
IV. The Ithians, who were also called Darinians, were descended from Ithe, or Ithius, uncle of Milesius.
V. The Clan-na-Deagha were also called Degadians and Ernans, from two of their distinguished ancestors; they were celebrated chiefs in Munster, but were originally descended, as already shown, from the Heremonians of Ulster. Of this Clan the principal families in Munster were - O'Falvey, hereditary admirals of Desmond; O'Connell, of Kerry, Limerick, and Clare; O'Donegan, O'Fihilly, O'Flynn, O'Shee or O'Shea, O'Baisan or O'Basken, and O'Donnell of the county Clare, etc.
VI. The Irians (or "Clan-na-Rory") of Ulster also settled several families of note in Munster, as early as the first and second centuries; of whom were the following: O'Connor, lords or princes of Kerry; O'Connor, lords of Corcomroe in Clare; and O'Loghlin, lords of Burren, also in Clare. Of this race were also O'Farrel, lords or princes of Annaly; MacRannal (anglicised "Reynolds"), lords of Muintir Eoluis, in the county Leitrim, etc.
VII. Of the Leinster Milesians of the race of Heremon, were some chiefs and clans of note in Munster, as O'Felan, princes of Desies in Waterford; and O'Bric, chiefs in Waterford; O'Dwyer and O'Ryan, chiefs in Tipperary; and O'Gorman, chiefs in Clare.
King Henry the Second, A.D. 1180, granted part of the kingdom of Thomond to Herbert Fitzherbert; but he having resigned his claims, it was granted by King John to William and Philip de Braosa. In the thirteenth century, King Henry the Third gave to Thomas de Clare, son of the earl of Gloucester, a grant of the whole kingdom of Thomond or "O'Brien's Country," as it was called; but the O'Briens and other chiefs in Thomond maintained for centuries fierce contests with the Anglo-Norman and English settlers, in defence of their national independence.
'Irish Pedigrees' by O'Hart, Volume 1, Page 803, dated 1892, reprinted 1989. Provided by Clayton Cannaday
Ancient Origins of the Kennedy Family