Anton is a legal anthropologist by education, and was accepted as a member to the Royal Anthropological Institute in 2009.
His anthropological interests include monarchy, legal culture, kinship and marriage.

There are many theories in anthropology. Anton is a follower of Clifford Geertz.
Anthropologists are "merchants of astonishment," wrote Clifford Geertz in AVAILABLE LIGHT, ANTHROPOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS ON PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS (2000). Geertz was Professor Emeritus of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where he was on the faculty since 1970.
Geertz was known for breaking away from the 1950s emphasis on scientistic inquiry and for introducing a more metaphorical and literary style to the discipline of anthropology, according to his biographer Fred Inglis, author of CLIFFORD GEERTZ: CULTURE, CUSTOM, AND ETHICS (1999).